When you're in your 20s, it's better to miss out on the fun than to miss out on building the foundation of your life.

You can have all the fun later (you'll have more time and money to spare too)

but almost impossible to catch up when you waste it.
You can go "all in" (business or career) for 5-10 years and set yourself up for the rest of your life

Or you can spend 40 years working 40 hour weeks striving for "work life balance"

Easy choice, but most people can't do math.
Besides there's lots that's only really possible when you're young - like taking investment risks and starting high risk high reward businesses.

When you're 30-35 and have a wife and children, much harder to quit that job.
This account isn't for everyone, but it'll save anyone who isn't totally brainwashed with the hedonistic-world-traveler-foodie psyop hogwash yet.
Most people do it wrong.

They waste their high energy nothing to lose 20s on partying and long winded relationships and drama

and try to build wealth and infrastructure in their 30s when they lack flexibility and energy and risk taking ability

It's an upside down world
But they fail simply because of how much time and effort building anything takes.

If you're running a business, it really can't be priority #3, especially in the early days.

Same with corporate careers (the ones that matter)

It takes time and energy and a lot of slogging
And the later you do it, the harder it gets.

You become less flexible, less ability to slog, less patience, and more importantly, less *margin or error*

You could blow up in your 20s and it doesn't matter

In your 30s and it's a disaster

The stakes are different
There is no wrong or right way, there's just what you want out of your life.

If you want hedonism then that's what you should pursue.

If you want greatness but you pursue hedonism, you are headed in the wrong direction.
At that point, you're being sheep, you are not being *intentional*


Know what you want and chose the direction that takes you there.

I don't know you, but I sure as hell know most people don't want to be bums no matter how fun the journey was.
Even the people who dedicate their lives to pleasure (alcohol, drugs, weed, unhinged partying etc) come to regret it.

Even the people who constantly travel and eat ("foodie") come to regret.

There's a difference between hedonism and fulfillment.
It's the difference between drinking a small glass of water and seeing a pond from afar.

The former gives you more satisfaction because it actually quenches your thirst.

It's quality not quantity.
If you are a man, you will find your purpose and happiness in building

Build businesses, families, knowledge, whatever.

A man who is busy creating is a happy man.

Women find happiness in supporting their man (it is what it is, I didn't come up with the designs)
But no one finds fulfillment in dopamine rushes, only shadows of it.

Like it or not, you live in a world that encourages you to chase dopamine.

From that movie you watched to the ads you see on Facebook.
It takes 10x the knowledge and willpower it took 200 years ago for a man to want to be his best self.

Most of us are introduced to ambition killers like TV and standardized education at a very early age.

And the culture quickly tells people that being irresponsible is "cool"
Being cool and actually being successful are two very different things.

Being cool is based around impressing others and is externally focused. We all want to be well liked.

Ambition is more internal, a sense of urgency and thinking big. It's not for others.
You need to put in the work.

Any idiot can be irresponsible with their time, and idiots often are

They look rich but their spending borrowed money, and they will pay, and boy - do they pay

Those 4 fun college years of plant gender studies cost 10 years of being owned by a bank
All those parties and sex, hope breaking the ability to bond again with anyone was worth it.

All the food you inhaled, welcome to obesity land where everything sucks and nike tells you you're beautiful but you know they're lying.

You reap what you sow.
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