FUCK IT, I haven’t seen anybody talk about this so I’ll do it. Pizzagate is nothing new, it’s been happening for decades and the FBI, CIA and police departments are in on it. Thread on The Finders Cult, and The Franklin Cover up! #PizzaGate #FRAZZLEDRIP #SaveTheChildren
Disclaimer: this all things you can find on your own but since ppl don’t I’ll gladly do it for you.
Part 2: This took place in 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida. When an anonymous person called about two men and 6 six children that were living out of a VAN in a park. Already this should raise flags, 8 ppl in one van??
Part 3: two out of the six children showed signs of SEXUAL abuse. When questioned the two guys said they were on their way to Mexico because the kids would be attending a school for smart kids. Y’all- plz tell me I’m not crazy for already thinking it’s sus af.
Part 4: local police started digging and found out that these two men were part of a washing dc cult, The Finders. The finders members were nothing new, many towns ppl have seen these men around town. In councils or even following ppl and taking pictures of them.
Part 5: the kids were described as being malnourished, filthy, in a state of sub-lingual shock, covered in bug bites, and non-responsive. Which is weird because the men they were found with were dressed in suits and looked well put together.
Part 6: when the local police questioned the cult members about the sexual abuse findings the men said that they had “unorthodox” methods in child raising. Who answers like that when they’re accused of child molestation???
Also guys be patient, my thread will probably be really long but my Twitter is slow af so it will take me time.
Part 7: after this the local police decided to raid the cults compound and what they found would garner national attention. Te compound was located in northeast WASHINGTON DC? Ring any bells? Coincidence? What else is in Washington DC? COMET PING PONG!!!
Part 8: in the raid local police found children’s book, toys, diapers and clothes but no children. Another disturbing discovery was a detailed description on how to PURCHASE, OBTAIN, TRADE and KIDNAP children on a global scale!
Part 9: something else that was also found was “a sophisticated network on how to move, and transport children”, a production room full video equipment and a satanic alter. Doesn’t all of this sound a lot like pizzagate? Are you making the connection yet?
Part 10: something else that was found was passports, implicating embassies and foreign governments. Interests in terrorism and explosives were also found. But the most disturbing thing was a photo album-
Part 11: the photo albums had pictures of roped adults and children, slaughtering goats, kids as young as toddlers pulling dead baby goats out of the mothers womb. If it isn’t bad enough, it gets worse-
Part 12: a picture of a decapitated goats head being given to a child was also found. And this is when it gets to the corruption-
Part 13: before I go on here’s some news articles over this event.
Part 14: Cops realized that some of the cults members names were also found in the FBI counter intelligence files. Right after this was uncovered the CIA quickly stepped in and took over.
Part 15: when the CIA took over the case everything changed. The two man were RELEASED, and the kids were taken out of states custody and returned to the men. All the charges were dropped and local law enforcement could do nothing about it.
Part 16: since the CIA claimed they took over the case due to “national security” local police had no power and were stopped from looking further or from making any more arrests. This development in the case basically stopped all further investigation or speculation.
Part 17: The investigation into child trafficking was blocked by the CIA. And the scandal basically stopped having its momentum. Ppl stopped reporting on it, the public lost interest etc.
Part 18: Even the Floridian congressman at the time questioned this. His name was Tom Lewis, he unlike the population did not forget and even made a statement about it.
Part 19: Tom questioned “could our own government have something to do with this?”, “did they turn their backs on these children”, because “thats what all the evidence it points to”.
Part 20: in the end the investigation stopped and no one faced repercussions. Even the public went back to normal and this case, along with the children was forgotten.
Part 21: later on the leader of the finders spoke out and it was found that his wife worked in the CIA and his son flew in the CIAs airline. Coincidence? Or cover up? Don’t worry I’m not done-
Part 22: theres is a lot on this, watch “reallygraceful” YouTube, I credit this to her video. I’m not done tho, there’s more things to talk about that were found and links to articles you can read.
Part 23: Other things found in the raid were computers that contained details on the impregnation of female members of Finders. Telex messages were found &a message was discovered regarding the purchase of two children from Hong Kong, to be arranged through the Chinese Embassy
Part 24: More photos were found which included adults and children in white sheets participating in “blood rituals”. Photos showed the disembowelment, skinning and dismemberment of goats at the hands of children. CHILDREN.
Part 25: remember the compound? Well files were found that included information about other Finders locations, including London, Germany, the Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, Costa Rica and “Europe.” There was also a file labeled “Palestinian.”
Part 26: They also found files including advertisements for babysitters, tutors, etc. There was also a “large amount of data collected on various child care organizations.”
Part 27: Other details about the kids that were not previously mentioned were that the ages ranged from 2-7, they were bruised, had not eaten during the previous 24 hours and had not bathed “in many days.”
Part 28: I already summarized it but I’m still including more details for those who want to know more. The men were evasive with police.They told police that they were the children’s “teachers”. The children, on the other hand, told investigators that they lived in a tent in DC.
Part 29: Tallahassee police contacted Washington, because of that the children had disclosed, they received a call back from Detective Jim Bradley of the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department.
Part 30: Bradley told them they were working on a similar case in Washington, and that the Tallahassee case just might give them the leverage they needed to execute a search warrant on the premises occupied by a cult
Part 31: Police found that the children were unable to identify with telephones, toilets, or television, and they were unable even to identify themselves, or the men they were with. They said they were not allowed to live indoors and they were only given food as a reward.
Part 32: you guys plz research this, there’s credible sources and sources where ppl walk you through the finders cult case. Here’s a link on a walk through and explanation. https://bibleprophecy.wordpress.com/tag/florida-congressman-tom-lewis/
Okay I will start the Franklin cover up thread later tonight because honestly this stuff just pisses me off and makes me so sad so I need a little break. I’ll come back for the franklin cover up thread though!
Update: I just finished re reading about it and will post tomorrow, honestly this genuinely breaks my heart and at the same time it makes me livid that this was allowed. Anyways will post tomorrow, I’m crying but motivated
Disclaimer: I’m about to start on The Franklin Cover up thread. Remember both the finders cult and Franklin Cover up are not conspiracy theories, they’re actual events in US history that were reported on and written about.
Part 1: this can all be found online. The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska &attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990. #pizzagate #frazzledrip #hillaryemails #savethechildren
Part 2: it ended when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax." This all started about a year after The Finders Cult made headlines.
Part 3: Btw if you don’t believe me that it was a real event here’s a Wikipedia link to show you this information is literally out there and you can still look this up https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_child_prostitution_ring_allegations
Part 4: It began with one man, a republican figure known as Larry King. He ran the Franklin Credit Union as well as other business in Franklin Nebraska , that’s where the names “Franklin” Cover up comes from btw.
Part 5: This cover up proves it wasn’t JUST republicans and it wasn’t JUST democrats. Both parties were and are infested with pedophiles and corruption (using this event as evidence).
Part 6: Larry hosted extravagant parties, flew in private jets and had body guards around him 24/7. And you expect me to believe he just owned a credit union???
Part 7: The town where Larry ran his businesses was also “coincidentally” next to a Catholic institution for orphaned YOUTH called Boys Town.
Part 8: Larry being the rich man he was owned a yellow sports car, the same yellow sports car that was seen parked at the Boys Town campus on numerous occasions.
Part 9: Larry was later linked to embezzlement, it was proven he had stolen over 40 million from the Franklin credit Union. And this is where it all starts- looking into his financial records it was revealed that he had a close relationship with Boys Town.
Part 10: This is when victims started to come forward. It began with 7 victims who accused Larry of sexual abuse and exploitation. They accused him of using them as prostitutes. Keep in mind this all happened when they were children and living in Boy Town
Part 11: they said Larry would take them to various parties that he threw for the republican elite and there they would get sexually and physically abused.
Part 12: They also said Rusty Nelson attended these parties, where he documented the abuse. He would photograph powerful man in compromising positions as a form of blackmail for King.
Part 13: Rusty stated that he had witness King phone President Ronald Reagan when other powerful ppl couldn’t get a job done. So basically the president had a close relation with a man that had sexual abuse and child prostitution allegations...
Part 14: also keep in mind President Reagan was a Hollywood actor before he was president, pizzagate involves Hollywood actors as well. Just making that connection.
Part 15: one of Larry’s victims was Paul Bonacci. (He is also related to a missing child’s case, a very famous one known as Johnny Gosch, where he said he and Johnny were sex trafficked by the government)
Part 16: Watch “Who Took Johnny”, it used to be on Netflix but you can still find it out there if you wanna know more about the Johnny Case. He was one of the first children to show up in milk cartons.
Part 17: Paul was different than the other victims because he spoke out two years prior to the Franklin scandal. He said when he was 8 Larry started taking him to parties where he was routinely abused. And even to the whites house for private tours.
Part 18: He then would get taken to another location where there he would get sexually abused by prominent members or Larry himself. In his case he actually was awarded 1mil dollars but Larry never paid.
Part 19: as for the other victims that came forward during the Franklin Cover up, they were only ever met with doubt and mockery. 271 victims ended up coming forward detailing his abuse and they all said the same thing. Yet nothing was done
Part 20: The New York Times even revealed that both federal and state investigators were given thousands files with abused children’s testimonies and all they did was seal the files.
Part 21: After this victims themselves started getting targeted by the media and mocked in court. One victim was found dead in his hospital room shortly after he had given his testimony.
Part 22: the victim that was found dead showed signs of being drugged and beaten shortly before his death. Overall there were 15 mysterious death that surrounded this scandal and even some victims themselves were jailed.
Part 23: In 1993 a documentary was even made (Conspiracy of Silence) and was about to be released by the discovery channel but on the day of it’s release nothing aired.
Part 24: I credit this thread to reallygraceful on YouTube and I’ll link her video but I’m not done with talking about it because it includes a lot more.
Part 25: Alleged abuse victims were interviewed, who claimed that children in foster care were flown to the East Coast of the United States to be sexually abused at "bad parties".
Part 26: The child victims also alleged that the ring was "a cult of devil worshipers involved in the mutilation, sacrifice and cannibalism of numerous children".
Part 27: Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died - suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.
Part 28: There’s is multiple books on the Franklin Cover up, there’s video testimonies and credible sources to back it up. It’s all OUT THERE just go read it, go watch it because kids have been trafficked and abused for decades it’s time for it to stop!
Why ppl don’t care about this is beyond me, both the Finders Cult and The Franklin Cover up had more than enough evidence and victims coming forward. Yet nothing ever was done in either to help the children.
I didn’t even go in depth on both, only gave the summary but there’s still so much ppl can do to learn about them. Society failed the victims of both The Finders Cult and of The Franklin Cover Up, DONT repeat the same mistake with pizzagate. #Pizzagate #Frazzledrip
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