New Q 4521

Posse comitatus act - Schiff attempting to amend act to prevent @realDonaldTrump from federalizing National Guard and using NG and US Mil on US soil. In a nutshell, Schiff is trying to prevent @potus from having the ability to use troops to initiate mass arrests of
the Deep State officials and pols in the US, and to prevent @potus from using troops to quell riots such as we saw with ANTIFA and BLM. posse comitatus was enacted to prevent US Soldiers from policing state elections in the Confederate South after the civil war. Exceptions were
carved out which allowed the President to quell domestic riots. If the exceptions to posse comitatus act are removed, @potus would not be able to use Army, Federalized NG or AF to quell riots and arrest Deep State traitors on US soil. This would be an impossible task if left
to the local police forces and/or US Marshall's office. Schiff is worried
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