He's 15. We all made mistakes at that age. He apologised and removed it. You wanna go and find his family and tell them about it? Cool. That's your perogative if you want to or not if you think it hrlps. You want to post screenshots of the convo? That's clout chasing.
Is it right to shame him so bad that half the community is mocking him about getting put in place publicly? And posting the @ of his mother? He's getting death threats. He's 15. Didn't know about the threats? It's the Internet. People WILL do it when someone is doxxed.
I advocate for reform. This isn't reform. This is public shaming even after he's apologised and removed it, via a post by a well known troll on twitter no less who's had his own account suspended multiple times for fucked up things he himself has said.
What he posted wasn't right. I stand by that. Its never right to say that no matter what age you are. But what has followed is cyber bullying. You're participating in a whole different problem that has driven thousands of people to suicide. This is wrong.
I usually don't speak up about the shit shows that happens on the timeline but I can't ignore this. It's not right and doesn't align with my moral code and how I was raised. Ive been a victim of intense bullying myself and I KNOW how that feels. I was depressed for YEARS.
It doesn't matter if you like him or hate him. This. Is. Wrong.
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