Many today are starving for food, many are hungry but there is another kind of hunger.

The hunger to be loved nd hunger to be recognized, nakedness is not just d want of clothes but also about d loss of dignity, purity and self respect.
And homelessness is not just d want of house but also about being rejected nd unwanted.

D biggest disease in d world today is being unwanted nd uncared for, d terrible indifference towards ones neighbor nd lack of love.
We need to uproot dis terrible disease that have afflicted our society through cultivating d spirit of love we need to warm our cold hearts with d grace of God so as to produce fruits of love.

There are many faceless people out there all they want is ur love nd company, let's create a space in our hearts to love one another as Jesus have loved us.

We all are beautiful nd handsome children of God so let's make love reign in our lives nd in d live of others .
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