There's deep anger amongst socialists in the LP this evening & who can blame them. @RLong_Bailey’s sacking is another kick in the teeth for those of us who've fought so hard to build a socialist party, one capable of bringing the radical transformation that the UK needs. (1/5)
But this has been coming. Not just since Starmer's election, but well before. And the reason is because we haven't done enough to strengthen the left of the party, to organise & network, so the bonds of solidarity would be stronger than those who so wanted to break them. (2/5)
Right now there are two paths before us: we can take the easy route, which is to leave the party to Starmer and his cronies for them to remake New Labour in their own image.

Or we can say no, we stay, we organise and we fight. (3/5)
That's what we did, collectively in 2015 - when we built something that changed British politics in a summer. Nothing would please those who've waited for this moment ever since then more than us walking away from the fight & that would be giving up on five years hard work. (4/5)
Don't let them win - join with Red Labour in @dontleave_org & let's build a socialist Labour left that takes this party back:  (5/5)
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