@RyanHolmerr I think you deleted tweet, idk why but I wanted to expand on exclusivity contracts a bit because it’s a really good topic that no one brings up.
Depending on niche if it was location based business like RE, doctors/dentists, lawyers, accountants, etc.

You can also give them exclusivity by mile radius and charge a % surplus per mile.

% changes linearly to how saturated the business is & how much market share they have.
Here’s an example.

Let’s say you are serving a dentist. They are one of 10 offices in a 10 mile radius.

That means they represent 10% of the market within that radius.

So you charge them 10% of your original quote per mile. 10 miles = 100% or double your price.
You have to make them make-up for your loss in opportunity.

Some clients are slick and will add non-compete and conflict of interest clauses into contracts.

They have to know they are responsible to pay for that.
You can follow @Brian_DV1G.
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