So after careful scrutiny and a lot of digging up we realised that @MadeiraProdigy is CATFISH ACCOUNT. Following tweets will explain how I got there. Hereā€™s him confessing it.
My suspicion started when this account tried to slip into my DMs when I had just joined FT. It was suspicious because girls just donā€™t do that. Also not forget this person didnā€™t have a picture of their own.
But after a few months an Insta account popped up. And the pictures seemed legit. There was regular posting stories and everything. So my suspicion was lowkey dead. But I still had that gut feeling.
Then I noticed that the pictures on that account were so clear but the videos uploaded were so grainy as if they were screenrcorded ad then uploaded. This was the account btw. It also only had FT people as no IRL people. Not to forget her public DP was an animal. So sus.
But today I realised her insta selfies show she has an iPhone but sheā€™s tweeting from an android? So I really dug up more today. And realised she has no tweets pre 2018 even though the account was made in 2013.
And for the masterclass to prove myself. I sent her link to one of my contents that reveals location of viewers and guess what. WE GOT HIM.
I asked him to confess but he deactivated. Imagine Catfishinh fro 2 years šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the poor girl whoā€™s photos heā€™s used.
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