@/prisonculture says this all the time but you can’t hold people accountable.
We need to create conditions that allow people to enter into accountability themselves. The thing about accountability is that it is not forced and it is not coercive.
For ex, I am accountable to my partner not because they hold me or force me to do so, but because I see them as my partner, a member of my community, and I want to grow with them.
These posts that are like “if I’m following your abuser let me know,” fail to acknowledge any of the nuance that comes along with abuse and harm. I don’t want people to unfollow my abuser(s). I want this community to teach them about how to treat people with care
I think we’ve gotten to the point where people are just mimicking things they’ve heard other people say. We need to actually engage in actual study about responses to harm.
We ALL harm people. Intentionally and unintentionally. And a large chunk of us unfortunately possibly will and have abused people. That’s very sad but it’s a fact. The more that we accept this to be part of human interaction, the more we can get to the root of why that is.
When we stigmatize harm and pretend it’s something only perpetuated by those people over there, we only continue the cycle. People aren’t going to want to enter into accountability if all they know is that accountability = disposal.
My thoughts are scattered but basically what I’m trying to say is that we all have a responsibility to treat people with care. People finding glee and entertainment about people coming forward with abuse need to start focusing on their own inner circles.
What are YOU going to do to make sure that your loved ones aren’t engaging in abuse. What supports have YOU put into place to make sure that you aren’t harming people you care about. Be proactive about that instead of looking for more entertainment.
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