Here's the problem as I see it with the current school policy process for the fall. School districts have an *extremely* difficult challenge in front of them. They have to balance all kinds of competing interests: education, health, kids, parents, teachers, staff, etc...
I know districts and educators are working very hard to try to come up with solutions that balance those competing interets. But that policy process appears to be happening in a kind of silo'ed fashion, detached from the social/economic implications for parents and their work.
So: it seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise to come up with a system in which kids are in school one or two days a week, and remote learning the other days. Or in school for a week then out of school for two weeks. (Both are proposals I"ve seen).
That allows some in person instruction while still maintaining health precautions, but if that's the solution to *those* sets of problems: WHAT THE HELL ARE PARENTS SUPPOSED TO DO? I feel like there's not really a policy process to answer that question right now.
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