Cafeterias look like exam halls with desks spaced out. Temperatures are checked, shared computers are unplugged, and there are no sports. For some, school has been reduced to a few hours a day or takes place only on alternating days. 
After four months of lessons via Zoom, Rhys Jones, 10, was eager to see his classmates again when his international school in Hong Kong reopened in May. When enters the school, a thermal camera reads his temperature. 
School didn't turn out to be quite as fun as he expected. Rhys, who attends on alternate weekdays, can play in one of the school's three playgrounds, but he has to stay where he is once he's made a choice and says he can get separated from friends. 
Jess Andrews, 14, returned to school in Ruakaka, New Zealand, where masks are optional in schools—and few are wearing them. But there is hand sanitizer at every classroom door and for use when getting on and off the bus. 
Jess's school has replaced white boards with flat-screen TVs that mirror teachers' tablets and all classes are webcast live, allowing children to follow along from home. Still, only around 10% of the school's 520 students aged 11-18 have remained at home. 
Song Eun-jo, 17, couldn't wait to see friends at her foreign language high school in Seoul when South Korea reopened schools last month after a dozen weeks of distance learning. School isn't like she remembers, however, and her routine is very different. 
Eun-jo must fill out daily health questionnaires on the country's Education Ministry website. Leading to her school's entrance, about 30 teachers stand in socially distanced lines, barking at students talking to each other and picking out those not keeping enough distance.
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