Since it’s confusing people, let me give you a little guide on how to criticise the Israeli Government *without* being antisemitic
“The Israeli government are leading an illegitimate and illegal settlement program in Palestine” - not antisemitic
“The Israeli government are teaching governments of the world how to oppress and suppress minorities” - antisemitic
“The Israeli government is taking actions against Palestinians that could reasonably be described as racist” - not antisemitic
“The Israelis are just as bad as the Nazis” - antisemitic
"Israel deliberately promotes itself in such a way as to draw attention away from its treatment of Palestinians, through practices such as pinkwashing" - not antisemitic
"Israel controls the media in order to prevent negative stories being printed about it" - antisemitic
"The modern Israel/Palestine conflict is the fault of past colonial empires, including the British and Ottoman empires, who controlled the area before 1947" - not antisemitic
"Israeli Jews are just white European colonists" - antisemitic
Starting to get the idea?
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