So disappointing that the issue of the appalling state of public parks has become about "young people." People of all ages, including families, are leaving rubbish in parks. Part of this is an infrastructure issue: parks are now integral to public life moreso than pre lockdown
Ppl always used them but now they're one of the only places to socialise. They're not set up for that volume of traffic. Not enough bins and bins are not emptied often enough. Not enough recycling bins either. But coming down hard on drinking in parks is not the answer
That just criminalises ppl who don't have private gardens. Folks enjoy a drink in their garden, & ppl who don't have that resource are no different: they want a picnic & a drink in the sunshine, like anyone. Fines will disproportionately target those who can least afford them
The litter is SO upsetting but it's more complicated than just "young ppl thinking they're in a night club" or being entitled. Councils didn't prep parks to handle this kind of traffic and the role parks play in the "new normal."
There are scot gov, local council, and community solutions here. Falling back on "lazy entitled youth who literally don't know where they are" is lazy and inaccurate and, frankly, surprising coming from an otherwise intelligent man
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