I've been trying to put a couple thoughts together on these predatory people in comics.

In one way or another, I've been dealing with these people since before I started in comics. I've lost opportunities, I've lost jobs, I've lost friends, by speaking out.

So here's more.
First, screw these assholes and the culture that allows them to thrive while the people they victimize suffer personal and career damage for not staying silent.

I believe in second chances. But people who are serial victimizers already had their fucking second chance.
When I first came in the industry, people (not always women) would tell me about being made uncomfortable in business situations by these garbage people (not always men, either). And they would beg me not to say anything.

When it's not your secret, it's tougher to fight.
There are a couple things that happen every time these allegations come to the surface.

1) A bunch of journalists suddenly decide it's an important topic and want me for an interview

2) Pros I barely know call me with weird conversations trying to find out if they're next.
And one other thing happens, which is the victimizer will often call me to, I have no idea, try to get me to see 'their side,' or whatever the fuck.

Eddie Berganza did that. Last time Scott Allie came up, I was the first person he called and I barely knew him.
So, let's just get a couple things straight right now, please.

1) If you're a journalist and you have never done a story about women in fandom being harassed despite all the stuff you can see every day, it feels a little odd that it's suddenly a priority.
2) If you are a pro friend and you call me for advice, you'd better understand that if you did what you are accused of, we're not friends at all, and I won't be here defending you.
3) To the Eddie Berganzas and Scott Allies of the world, just save your fucking breath. Call a lawyer, call a therapist, call whoever you want, but to you, I don't exist.
The culture is messed up. There's a mix of dying Frat Boy nonsense from guys far too old to be cosplaying like that, and a power imbalance that says young aspiring creators and staffers have to genuflect to an endless gauntlet of not-necessarily-great people just to get in.
We are only a few years past the time where company meetings were held at strip clubs and a ton of important networking is still done by drinking buddies in hotel bars at two in the morning.
It's not enough to simply not be the bad guy. You have to oppose the bad guy. You have to be the buffer to them, the firewall to them. You have to listen when people are shouting 'fire.'
I have seen these people keep their jobs, with their 'punishment' being they can't have their fucking office door closed. Or they can't work with women.

Which punishes women, because suddenly they can't work on Superman or whatever.

That's not punishment, it's a joke.
I've seen too many talented, brilliant women have to change their entire career path, often uprooting from their homes, because the publishers didn't protect them.

So we lose some of the best editors and creators, and we keep the serial abusing trash?

How does that make sense?
If I count on my fingers the brilliant editors who left or moved over this stuff, I run out of fingers far sooner than I run out of names.

Editors who are a DREAM to work with. Who only want to make great comics.
I don't want to bring up their names without permission. Hopefully you know them already.

Hire them, start making this an industry that wants to do better, and not just bandage up a doddering ol' perv's network for creeps and losers.
I am not an intern and I am not going to stay quiet.

If you are at a con and someone's hassling you, come to my table and we'll watch and get help.

When you're ready to go public, I will support you.
And to be very clear, if you're one of these abusers, I don't care what your gender or sexuality is, I don't care what your position of power is or what you publish, don't expect me to be a safe harbor, because I will absolutely not be that.
Also, blaming all of this on alcohol or 'nerdy social awkwardness' is horseshit, because a predator is a predator.

That's it for now.

All my love and awe to the people who have spoken up. I hope we do better for you from now on.
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