Let's take a second & clear our minds. Now a deep breath & imagine that back in the late 60s a plan was hatched by communists in CA when McCarthy held his infamous hearings that were demonized, when all he was trying to do was expose ACTUAL COMMUNISTS who were here to destroy the
USA. Now look at the facts closely. Many in CA government are communists. NY, IL, MN, NJ, OR, WA and MI now also have communists running THEIR states. This wasn't by accident and even if it WAS, they are NOW IN CONTROL OF MILLIONS. Now look at our FEDERAL government & the bodies
of LAW who can PERSECUTE through the FBI, CIA, Military, NSA, IRS etc, etc. What happens in those banana republics? They persecute the enemy of communism. FLYNN is the perfect example & they were trying with TRUMP too, but didn't succeed. Now let's examine more stomach wrenching
realities. MANY local and state governments positions are infiltrated as bad as the House and Senate are with ACTUAL COMMUNISTS who are PRETENDING to be democrats. The way the banana republic also operates, is they hold your family hostage in that they will KILL or torture them
in order to get you to do what THEY want. So when someone gets elected, they get a visit from the 'cabal' should they NOT comply or already be a part of the banana republic/deep state cabal. So we see law enforcement officers quitting in droves because they are NOT being treated
properly and THAT TOO, is a PLANNED event. Now let's examine WHY. MOST of the reason is the commies undermine ANY and ALL authority except THEIR CHOICE of leadership. LOOK AT WHAT NANCY PELOSI JUST SAID about those who don't AGREE with their policies & ideas. This is COMMUNISM
101 mentality y'all. Now let's examine yet one more field of infiltration: EDUCATION. People are not seeing the 'BIG PICTURE' of communism when they call common core 'dumbing down' the kids, what they miss is they're actually teaching the kids they must COMPLY with their methods
& THOSE methods are not like their parents' ARCHAIC ways of doing things. While miseducating them with this garbage, they're also teaching them NOTHING about ACTUAL history and instructing (polluting minds of) college age kids that Zinn is actual history when it's total bullshit.
This is the brainwashing of lies that cannot be undone so easily. One has to take the time to educate themselves completely & nobody has time to do that these days, therefore, we have millions of citizens who are ignorant to the TRUTH & FACTS of American history, but ARE polluted
with DEEPLY FLAWED & outright FALSE DEPICTIONS of our HISTORY. We laugh & poke fun at social media posts that are so ignorant it's difficult to believe someone can believe it but they DO!! This plan is quite deep & complicated & I HOPE you're staying with me here. NOW LET'S LOOK
AT ANTIFA & BLM etc. Let's just call them all 'COMMUNISTS' because all of those factions that are ANTI-AMERICAN are in fact linked to the communist infiltration even if they don't realize it they are the 'useful idiots' that commies use to start fires, riots, etc.etc. in the name
of 'RIGHTEOUSNESS' which it total hypocritical bullshit like the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PLATFORM IS BASED UPON! Now if you believe a WORD out of a Democrat's mouth after the whole ACA lies & fake impeachment bullshit, you're the useful idiot I mentioned earlier. The DNC leadership is
100% EVIL. They are LIARS from the foundation up! They do NOT have America's best interest at heart and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has VIOLATED their OATH to defend our constitution & should be arrested by the MILITARY Justice Advocate General & face a TRIBUNAL for treason. I truly
mean this and there is PLENTY of evidence on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM to put them on the gallows platform. The DOJ is sitting on their hands until after the election because the left will call TRUMP a dictator and claim he persecutes his political enemies, which we all know is
what the hypocritical left ACTUALLY do. The main thing they do is blame their opponent for THEIR OWN crimes as Goebbels taught. Then they tell a lie so big over and over again so ignorant people believe it. -their useful idiots. So here we are, arrived at the ENTIRE explanation
as to WHAT IS HAPPENING in America! That CHOP/CHAZ bullshit, is actually a COMMUNIST INVASION, planned, manipulated & coerced into a politically identified, but actual violent movement just DISGUISED as a righteous move. Let's wake ppl up PATRIOTS! This is a HORRIBLE travesty of
MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS and every move is PLANNED by SOROS and his ilk, which includes the Clintons, Pelosi, Newsom, Cuomos and so many more. Don't think it's just a coincidence because the NEWS MEDIA is actually PART of the DNC/Communist infiltration as well. I hope this helps at
least ONE American patriot educate their family about the whole thing. We have to keep it moving along so we have everyone aware of the communist movement. We can't let them freak out over the arrests when they FINALLY happen. We have to prepare so arm yourselves American Patriot
because it's coming no matter WHAT you do, this cannot be stopped until we all rise up together and stand as one America, one Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice For ALL!! Amen!?
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