Thinking about how in Scotland we still think it's "mental" when folk "start bouncin up massive hills"... When actually, working people have had a long relationship with “outdoors” in Scotland. A thread 🧵 1/
Translated from the Gaelic, Glasgow is literally the ‘Dear Green Place’ and the city has a history of creating and protecting parks and green space. WE LOVE OOTSIDE! 2/
Highland Clearances, removing crofters from their ancestral land, resulted in a mass movement for the reform of land laws in the 1880s. People refused to leave the land, leading to the Crofters War & more bloody protests 👇🏻 3/
Before Keir Hardie came along, the principal workers organisation in Scotland was called “The Land and Labour League”. Highland Land League’s motto ‘Is treasa tuath na tighearna’, translates as ‘The people are mightier than a lord’. 4/
19th century Trespass Act & Game Laws legitimised the rights of landowners to restrict the movement of citizens. Hill walking clubs campaigned for ‘freedom to roam’ to be law. 5/
In the 1880s/90s, club members & the Land League spearheaded a public and parliamentary campaign to have the Trespass and Game Laws altered. The campaign for freedom to roam was unsuccessful but the number of people going to the hills increased. 6/
Carbeth Hutters Community was established when soldiers from the WW1 were granted camping rights. There was a strong 'camping and trekking' phenomenon that took place nationwide in the 1920s and 1930s. 7/ 
Landowner Allan Barnes-Graham was sympathetic to the ideals of the Clarion movement, (promoting “the clarion call of socialism”) & allowed the cyclists to hold an annual summer Fellowship Camp on his land. They pitched their tents before heading off into the wider countryside. 8/
After Clydebank Blitz, The Huts filled with evacuees and homeless families. Clydebank workers 'trekked' daily across the Kilpatrick Hills to their places of employment on what is now a very well-used route for ramblers. 9/
Original landowner’s grandson, Allan Barnes-Graham, introduced rent rises in 1996 & planned to gentrify. Hutters objected & went on rent strike. After 14-years of fighting, they bought the land & Carbeth Hutters’ Community Company was formed. 10/
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