I see a lot of questions about when to get tested for covid, when to get retested, and how long does a test last. I’m going to share some of the guidelines we have been following at my job, where they have been testing and controlling the virus pretty aggressively and I’m glad.
When it comes to nasopharyngeal vs oropharangyeal, nasal will always be more accurate. Yes it is uncomfortable, but the point of testing is to know so get the most accurate test possible. This is especially true if you’re asymptomatic.
How long between tests? This one is tricky. If you have symptoms and tested positive, wait until the symptoms have significantly subsided. The rule at my hospital has been 7 days + 3 of no symptoms, whichever is longer.
Now to my favorite, social distancing. As many of you know, I was sick and could not physically leave my apartment for 60 days. I couldn’t go shop for groceries, pick up medicine, or even meet my Postmate for my food. THIS is how you “act as if you have it”.
If you’re going out to shop for groceries, food, or attending any public space at all, you are exposed. I couldn’t do that when I was sick. That being said, what has really helped contain the virus within my hospital and unit especially has been 1. Testing 2. Masks
We do not social distance at work. Meaning, I come into work and I’m in the same space as about 20 other coworkers. We have to wear masks, but we cannot be physically apart due to the nature of our work. This was a mind fuck for me after being home alone for 2 months.
However, it became very apparent to me that social distancing although it does help, if it’s not done perfectly it won’t really matter. All it takes is one error to expose yourself.
The only way to properly quarantine is to literally not go outside at all which is extremely difficult. People are going to want to see their families and friends eventually. Here’s how some of my nurse colleagues, and myself, have done this as safely as possible.
Firstly, get tested. The key part here is that once you get tested, do your best to quarantine until you get your results. In LA, we get results within a day or two. Have everyone you’re planning to spend time with do the same.
Have as much outdoor space as possible and keep your group size small. After your gathering, get tested again and urge the rest of the group to do so and repeat the process. Symptoms or not, do this.
I hope these tips and insight help. I for one, was a huge social distance warrior lol, I’m not sure anyone has spent more alone time than me so I get it. However, we have to be realistic here. Any moment you step outside no matter how safe you think you’re being, it’s a risk.
Let’s be smart about the risks we take. Businesses definitely shouldn’t be opening, I think we can all agree this is happening too soon. Avoid public crowded spaces. However, as humans we need social contact of some form to mentally survive, so be safe about it.
Also you have to ask yourself, why is this nation pushing social distancing so hard but not testing or masks? They even had the nerve to tell people masks didn’t matter which is still crazyyyyy to me. We should have these resources.
Also this virus is NEW. Information is going to change as more research comes out and that is normal. It’s ok to stand corrected as you receive new information.
Also, this is not a prescription. Do what is comfortable and best for YOU. I just wanted to share this because as a community, my unit has done a pretty great job even after nurses got sick.
Due to antibody testing done at my job, they were able to see that among 5 nurses who got sick on my unit, neither had the same strain. This means that none of them infected each other which can also imply that whatever we are doing is working.
Now we’re all back at work and finding out that our benefits are being cut due to covid 🥴 but that’s a conversation for another thread lmao
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