Busting myths and stereotypes about #autism - a thread. Please share. /1
Myth: Vaccines can cause autism.

There is no link between vaccines and autism. There has been extensive research into this. This evidence-based meta-analysis demonstrates this. /2 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X14006367?np=y
Myth: Autistic children are just naughty.

Difficulty communicating, understanding social cues, experiencing sensory overload, sudden change, distress when they can't engage with their special interest, etc doesn't make a child naughty. It means they are struggling. /3
This webpage is particularly good for understanding that autistic children are not naughty, they are just struggling or coping in their own way which you may not view as acceptable. @Autism /4 https://www.autism.org.uk/professionals/teachers/teaching-young-children.aspx
Myth: Autistic people lack imagination.

Many autistic people are very creative and imaginative. Some like art, some like to write, some like to act, some like to create music. Autistic people can be innovatively creative. Some may struggle with imagination, but not all do. /5
Myth: Autistic people don't make eye contact.

It is true that some autistic people don't make eye contact. It is true that many find it uncomfortable and difficult. However it is not true that all autistic people don't make eye contact. Some do. /6
Myth: You can not make jokes with autistic people because they won't understand.

Sometimes some autistic people might not understand, so explain it. Autistic people can make and understand jokes, we just sometimes might have more difficulty understanding them than others. /7
Myth: Autistic people lack empathy.

Some autistic people do struggle with empathy. Others do not. For some autistic people they feel empathy so intensely that it can be painful. We may struggle to understand emotions, but this doesn't mean we don't feel concern for others. /8
Myth: You can tell if someone is autistic by looking at them.

You can not tell if someone is autistic by looking at them. Many autistic people are good at masking (i.e. pretending/hiding their autism) whether this is unconscious or conscious. /10
Myth: Everyone is a little bit autistic.

You are either born with an autistic brain or you aren't. You can't be a little bit autistic. Just because you may have some traits doesn't mean you are are autistic. You can't be a little bit pregnant. You either are or you aren't. /11
Myth: Autism is a linear spectrum.

The autism spectrum is more like this circle rather than a line. The spectrum means that every autistic person experiences different traits at different strengths, and these vary from day to day. Where someone is on the spectrum changes. /12
There are many more myths and stereotypes out there about autism. This thread could go on for ages. What are some other myths/stereotypes you hear about autism? #AskingAutistics #ActuallyAutistic /13
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