I need to talk about something with my fellow #veterans, in particular the white ones. Over the past month i’ve made a request that y’all be more vocal about your service for this country. And how your fellow Black citizens don’t deserve to be gun down in the streets......
like dogs especially being unarmed by the police. Now some #veterans accepted my call and understood the power of their voice. They really tried to help even if it was just amplifying that type of message. Now i’m going to speak about the ones who either tried to........
ignore my request through continuing their silence. Whether it was based in indifference to the plight we ask Black people faced. Or as 1 or 2 in particular continued to center themselves in any conversation concerning #BlackLivesMattters. I’ve even had 1 recently.....
unfollow me that i at one point thought was a true ally. Because during a private conversation we had, kept doing what i describe above. CENTERING themselve. It lets me know, he really didn’t give a fuck about what i was attempting to say to him. When i quit talking,.....
recognizing he didn’t give a fuck at this moment it wasn’t about him. He got offended and told me he wouldn’t bother me anymore. So i said all this to say, following me is not a requirement and me asking you step up isn’t either. I just thought you were my brother.....
or sister in arms who had my 6. Not all but, i noticed some really don’t have my 6.
I SEE YOU!!!!! Now is a moment like never before in your lifetime that your words carry weight, me, other Black citizens need our 6 protected with your words and actions. Thank you, carry on
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