look, please don't let Myke Cole off the hook again with this weak-ass apology rerun

the only way he has changed his behavior is by becoming viciously obsessed with his "MeToo moment," as he calls it

source: I dated him in mid-2018

in private, Myke discredits the veracity of his victim's complaints (even claiming that she wasn't attractive enough for him to have hit on her) and rails bitterly about his ruined reputation. he has not sought therapy. at that time, at least, he had not stopped drinking.
this story, from @ohcararara? believe it. the two tweets from Myke Cole attached here were made as he told me in person that he was "pissing on [his] territory" by posting photos of me to his Twitter feed
more Myke Cole stories:
- dropped the n-word TWICE within seconds of meeting my best friends for the first time. when I raced to confront him, he said "is that bad??"
- replied "hurk" (as in, a vomiting sound) to an incredible trans woman's fitness post I sent him
Myke Cole is a rabid asshole in a tight "feminist" shirt, hoping we don't look past it. if anything, the MeToo experience made him MORE misogynistic; he now believes all women are out to get him. I suppose this is me proving that theory.
(he also strictly forbade me to fart around him. like, threatened to dump me if it happened. i wish this was a joke. i wish I'd done it anyway. fill that asshole's head with my asshole's music)
I'm genuinely sorry if I introduced you to him, either online or in person. I'm sorry if my presence by his side made it seem like he was an ally or that he had remedied his behavior.
I do not like cancel culture. it terrifies me. so I want you to know that when I say this, I really mean it:

FUCK Myke Cole.
p.s. we were walking past a park where a baby was screaming. Myke says to me, loud enough for the mom to easily hear, "sure makes you wanna have kids, huh?" i called him a dick and dumped him (at last). happy endings do exist
need a new fantasy author to love? try @nkjemisin's incredible work, I can't recommend it strongly enough.
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