The Rebecca Long-Bailey sacking is a tough one. John McDonnell’s response in saying a critique of the state of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitic is true but as with a lot of these things it’s all about context isn’t it (1/5)
When you stitch together the fact Peake has went out her way to connect systemic racism in the US police force to Jewish Israeli tactics and then went onto explain how any former Labour member who had doubts over Corbyn’s premiership should “hang their heads in shame”... (2/5)
It is easy to see why a Jewish member could feel attacked. So for a member of the shadow cabinet to then retweet it and call her a “diamond” that is always going to suggest they agree with everything that is said in the article. Even if RLB wants to blag she didn’t. (3/5)
Some on the hard left of the party may feel let down that one of their champions has been removed by Starmer but with the context of the criticism the party has received in recent years, protecting the party from any form of racism is more important (4/5)
What Peake was trying to say was, despite the problems in the Labour Party, the Conservatives are still worse but she done it in a way that firmly pointed the finger at Jewish complaints. RLB simply should have known better. (5/5)
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