Yesterday was St John the Baptist Day, the national holiday of Quebec. It’s a stat holiday and it’s bigger and more important than next week’s holiday, which the QuĂ©bĂ©cois call “Moving Day.”
If you want sovereignty, you need to expand and mythify an identity distinct from Canada.
If you go to Quebec, notice how you don’t see Maple Leaf in the schoolyard? Or on any provincial or municipal buildings? That is intentional and brilliant. Flags aren’t just a petty symbol, flags carry a lot of meaning.
And when kids take history in Quebec, they’re learning about their own national history and the history of New France. They don’t focus on the English perspective. Canadians take on the role of foil to the noble QuĂ©bĂ©cois in Quebec history classes.
And even in values, we see why the QuĂ©bĂ©cois are so different. They have been ingraining and instilling QuĂ©bĂ©cois values for 40 years. They even make the kids take a gr11 “Ethics” course promoting anti-religiosity and godlessness. Because “laĂŻcitĂ©â€ is different from secularism.
If this sovereignty movement is to grow, we need to see ourselves as distinct from the rest of Canadians, and quite frankly, better. Alberta needs to be the nation to which our children sing an anthem to and stand in silence before a flag of.
Whether it’s song, art, poetry, prose, fashion, sport, history, etc, we ought to do it promoting our identity as Albertans first. We are a nation within a divided Canada, and the time to assert ourselves is long overdue.
But until you break past the wall of politicos and fake news and actually create a mythology that inspires and steps across the threshold into the world of pop culture, you won’t have nothing other than a right wing debate club for guys who can’t get a date.
This is the national flag of quebec. Not the Maple Leaf.
Are we gonna worship an image representing Eastern Canadians who want to put us under their foot? Or are we gonna start repping a flag we can be proud of?
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