Keir Starmer has sacked Rebecca Long-Bailey after accusing her of sharing an 'anti-semitic conspiracy theory'. The 'conspiracy theory' in question is that US police forces are trained in violent and even deadly techniques by Israeli forces. Thread ‼️
It is not a conspiracy to say that the US police learn from Israeli forces – it is an undeniable fact. US police forces routinely send officers to Israel, where they learn brutally repressive techniques perfected by practice upon occupied Palestinians. 
Starmer’s utterly opportunistic maneouvre against the Labour left is an insult to the Palestinian and Black liberation struggles. Starmer is an enemy of the movement against racist police violence, from Palestine to the US to Britain
Through his cynical accusation against Long-Bailey, Starmer wants to divide the struggle against antisemitism from the anti-racist movement. Don't let him.
The Labour leadership is taking a zero-tolerance policy on criticism of Israel, just as Israel's apartheid regime is escalating the seizure and ethnic cleansing of remaining Palestinian land through the planned annexation of much of the West Bank
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