Venus Direct Messages from Spirit ♀
Central Theme: Abundance
Message: Be Authentic
Going Forward: Nurtuting + Mirrors
The oracle of abundance wants us to think abundantly. “Thoughts become things” Remember Venus is going direct in Gemini this is a placement that is ruled by Mercury. The planet of intellect & communication. You want to develop an abundance mindset 💭
Currently we are being surrounded and bombarded by messages of lack. I want you to know that a friend told me 3 of her friends in the hospitality industry in NYC got new jobs this goes against everything that is outwardly being told to us
What applies to others does not have to apply to you. It’s important that we really understand this. Sometimes people feel they don’t have the proper education or the proper resources and I’m here to tell you that vision + drive often trumps education in the success department
With the central theme being abundance; spirit is reminding us to think abundantly. Do not buy into the myth of lack & limitation. This does not just apply to finances which is one aspect of Venus this also applies to love and relationships
Sometimes we get hooked on one person- this in itself is a lack mindset. We think that 1 person is the only 1 to fulfill us It’s time to shift away from this narrative & realize love is not only within us but all around us and we have many avenues to which we can experience love
Our angels 👼🏻 + Guides want us to develop & maintain an abundance mindset. Declare

• I radiate good health
• I am surrounded by abundance
• I am financially free
• I manifest my desires w/ ease
• I am luminous, sovereign and free
• I am surrounded by opportunities
The next message from spirit was “be authentic to who you are” this is about showing up in your own life & in your relationships without wearing a mask. If you show up authentically and you are not well received by someone -that someone is not for you.
Showing up authentic also means putting our cards on the table; this is what is expected, these are my values etc Either someone is aligned with them or they are not. Being authentic to who we are means perhaps walking away when someone is not in a alignment with us
Being honest saves a lot of times and hard feelings.
I also believe while it does NOT always work- some people will lie anyway- But creating a safe space for people to show up authentically as they are without us judging or condemning them. Allow others to be who they are without it having to suit you
Going forward 💕 The 1st Mesaage was Nurturing. That’s what Venus retrograde is all about; going with in and asking how can I love myself more? What can I give to myself in this moment? How can I treat myself kindly?
In the card it looks like a person is nurturing their inner child. How many of us are carrying wounds from our childhood that either get projected onto someone else or we are expecting someone else to fix them or they show up in our relationships as self-sabotaging behaviors?
Venus retrograde also asked us to examine if the relationships/friendships we are participating in are supportive and nurturing? We may have had to re-examine certain connections and walk away from those that were not healthy & mutual
This card also reminds us that some people can live an entire adult existence as the wounded child. These are people that operate in survival mode or mostly from primitive brain & can be very highly reactive or selfish. Perhaps we can learn to see them with detached compassion
Venus Direct Encourages Us:
• Connect with relationships that are mutually supportive
• Tend to our inner child wounds
• Nurture yourself; you are worthy of your own love
• Recognize the wounding in others without taking it personally
The last Oracle is one of my favorites Mirrors 🌀 We can look at all of our relationships as a mirrors. Sometimes they are reflecting back our most positive and beautiful attributes and other times they are triggering and forcing us to deal with our unhealed wounds
My biggest lesson from loving someone with narcissistic adaptations is: they would not be able to trigger me if I didn’t have these underlying feelings of inadequacy. People can’t trigger us where we are healed and whole
Universal law of mirrors asks us to hold a certain level of detached self compassion and ask what is this person showing me? What is this person activating with me? What is this person here to teach me? A lot of times our natural inclination is to be defensive instead of open
Also keep in mind sometimes someone will not like you. They may hardly know you and still not like you. You may be activating something within them that makes them uncomfortable. This is where being true to yourself comes in and not needing their approval
Universal Law Of Mirrors; two people are brought together until they heal or recognize the unhealthy parts of themselves being reflected back by the other
It’s always funny how the overly emotional meets the repressed person, the person that avoids responsibility meets the overly responsible the reason this happens is universal law of mirrors they are showing us the parts we need to embrace the parts of ourselves we have denied
Also Venus Direct reminds us that not everyone wants to do the work; they want someone that mirrors to them the mask, the projected false image and if we are doing the work those people will not be in alignment with us for relationships/friendships
When we attract someone that is mirroring to us the traits that we lack instead of being hard on ourselves or judging that person we can ask ourselves how can I incorporate this into my life?
I also think a lot of times when two people look very different and maybe are even struggling with these differences there is a common thread that isn’t obvious. So we can ask ourselves what’s the commonality here? Often there is one we can’t really see unless we dig a little
We’ve gone through Venus retrograde for all these weeks which was really about going with in realigning with our values, self-care & integrating loss parts of ourselves. The mirror card reminds us that we need others for self actualization & growth 🌱
We may not always get to choose how people show up in our lives or for how long they are there but we can choose to look at each person as a learning experience and we can choose whether we move forward with them or not. ∞
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