I have literally dozens of pages on notes on the wh*te supr*macist fascination with Japan, which I had convinced myself was now out of date with public discourse until the anime avi racists rly came out of the woodwork in droves today
wh*te supr*macists will tell you they respect Japan bc it’s apparently a positive model of an ethnostate, but this doesn’t explain why so many of them are such fans of Japanese *culture*. What DOES explain that is that these people are very online 4chan trolls, i.e. weebs.
I’m not fleshing out my whole argument here but the wh*te supr*macist infatuation with Japanese is an interesting thread to follow bc it exposes both the logical fallacies of fascism/the ethnostate as an ideology, and the absurd genealogy of the alt-right “movement.”
I’m just saying that emotionally healthy, well adjusted people do not perform live reenactments of an obscure event from mid-20th century Japanese history, complete with a real katana, on the Upper East Side as part of their political expression. (this really happened)
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