last fall, i discovered croissants. my life changed forever.
lol i know that croissants existed before i discovered them meaning that i actually didn't discover them. I just realized they existed and we're good.

damn, imagine if the whites had done that reflection when they arrived here.
also who invented croissants? did they become a saint? how do we make that happen?

I'm not asking for the answer. I'm going to google it now. Be back with answers.

(look at how easy it is to find your own answers, friends)
“The croissant began as the Austrian kipfel but became French the moment people began to make it with puffed pastry, which is a French innovation." - Jim Chevallier
apparently, some people think Marie Antoinette was the reason croissants blew up in France, but Jim says that's wrong because she was basically just the Kim K of her time (read: famous appropriator).
Chevallier says it was an Austrian guy named August Zang, who opened a Viennese bakery in 1838. He was the real deal. Folx tried to imitate him, but it wasn't the same.

He sold his business and moved back to Austria. His burial spot says nothing about croissants.
This article says according to popular folklore, the croissant comes from the Austrian kipfel which is supposed to resemble the moon on the Ottoman flag and represent the will of the city to survive the attack from the Turks.
i'm not sure what you'll do with all of the information, but shout out to August Zang for the croissants.

maybe this is a reminder that our biggest contributions may not be really appreciated until a hungry black queer person does some research 200 years from now.
also, shout out to Jim Chevallier to also loving and researching croissants. and to Smithsonian Mag for publishing that article. and to Google for helping me find it.

you see how easy it is to research, share, and cite? if I can do it with croissants, y'all can do it with race.
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