Okay I'm making a thread because I'm having people wondering why Tronka Monka being ableist is such a big deal.
I just want to say some of the sources.i post in this thread can be triggering and very distressing please look after yourselves!
Ableism is a vastly ignored form of discrimination, its history is almost non existent and even now it is seen as a non issue. I'll start with the history of people with disabilities and what was done to them
here is a video about the history of violence against disabled people it covers babies being killed to "idiot cages" to them being seen as witches to institutionalization
As you can see this left the majority of us dead, severely traumatised or missing half of our brain meaning there was nobody to tell our story or our history. This means a lot of people overlook how we have been treated . We don't have the history that racism and homophobia
Do and people assume this means it doesn't exist and this is a new thing. It absolutely isn't
Despite the progress made up to today in improving the lives and perceptions of people with disabilities there are still many problems today
Police officers killing us when we are having crises -
Now Trixie portraying an abuse victim, a victim of Munchausen by proxy, as a joke is bad enough but using a wheelchair as a prop in a venue that is inaccessible to people with mobility issues is blatant ableism
The reason Trixie NEEDS to apologise to her disabled fans is because her actions enforce a belief that her behaviour was acceptable. It enforces a belief that ableism isn't that bad. As long as ableism is seen as acceptable or only a small thing us disabled people will be seen
As sub human, something expendable, not a "real" person (yes people actually say that). Trixie needs to apologise to atone for herself but also let her stans know we are important.
If anyone wants to add anything please dm me and I'll add it to the thread. Thank you all for your time I hope you found this worthwhile ♥️
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