tbh, idk how to feel abt the zoning system for PPDB. my lil sis is a lot younger than her peers so she's adversely affected. but, i'm curious to see the policy's outcome on the quantity, quality, and equality of educational attainment several years from now 🤔
i believe there's a lot to unpack and i don't wanna be quick to judge just bc a family member is not benefiting from this. remember trade-off?
what puzzles me though, sudah disediakan kuota jalur afirmasi untuk masyarakat kurang mampu. lalu, kenapa pendaftar jalur zonasi harus diseleksi berdasarkan usia lagi?
my guess is maybe bc KIP has not fully captured the underprivileged. 45% populasi Indonesia masih aspiring middle class. populasi usia sekolah 5-24 tahun itu hampir 90 juta, berarti 40 juta-nya aspiring middle class. sementara, penerima KIP 'hanya' 18 juta. see the gap?
i want to believe that the Ministry of Education is doing the best that they can, given the resources (i.e., APBN) available. however, i still have a few unanswered questions regarding this policy:
1. how do they ensure quality education is actually distributed equally?

teacher rotation might be the quick solution. but, long-term improvements like hiring more qualified teachers, increasing their wages, etc. are necessary.
2. according to Kemdikbud, sekolah favorit exist karena muridnya yg unggul. karena zonasi, skrg murid-murid tsb. sudah tersebar berdasarkan usia. apakah ini berarti prinsip track record sekolah yang dipakai dalam SNMPTN akan di-abolish? jika iya, akan digantikan dengan apa?
i'm pretty sure this policy will increase school enrollment rate tho. to conclude this thread of pure confusion, i'd just like to remind us to have sympathy. there must be a reason why these older students didn't get to school on time like the rest of us. let them start anew.
and if you're financially comfortable, pls refrain from complaining too much. do us a favor and just go straight to enrolling your kids to private schools. education is a universal right and if some ppl must lose out (pay higher in private schools) for the greater good, so be it.
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