This is a very important site. We know from tracing studies that around 80% of all infected people infect ZERO others. The small number of super spreaders are infecting millions.

And **97%** of these events are indoors.
I think this means VENTILATION is going to be essential for all indoor spaces. Flush them with fresh air so indoor air is more like outdoor air. But that is a total paradigm shift, because for decades buildings have been sealed tighter and tighter.
The downside will be a major loss of energy efficiency and increase in HVAC costs. But the upside is being able to market indoor air quality to customers, employees, etc wary about returning to indoor activities.
The champion in these systems in Japan, the country that beat COVID with no lockdown, is Daikin ($DKILY) so I put a couple bucks into them. Not that the price is great because a lot of people have had the same idea!
We have quite a bit of data now suggesting that most infected people infect ZERO others.

“Probably about 10% of cases lead to 80% of the spread,” Kucharski says.
You can follow @kerpen.
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