"Americans are touchy about the memory of the Red Army playing the lead role in the destruction of the Wehrmacht. “What about Lend-Lease,” they say, “without our supplies, the Soviet Union could not have beaten the Germans.” In fact, most Lend-Lease supplies did not arrive....1/2
......in the USSR until after Stalingrad!
Red Army soldiers facetiously called the Lend-Lease food tins “second front” since the real one was late in coming.
In 1942 Soviet industry was already out-producing Nazi Germany in major categories of armaments.
Was the T-34 an American, or a Soviet tank?
A polite Stalin always remembered to thank the U.S government for the jeeps and Studebaker trucks. They increased Red Army mobility.
“You contributed the aluminum,” Russians famously replied: “we contributed the blood… the rivers of blood.”
Go on, nods the politruk. “The Soviet people have been fighting for three years… And they [Britain and the United States] still haven’t opened the 2nd Front. What kind of allies are they?” The politruk did not reply. Did he need to?
"Like thieves in the night, Britain and the United States burgled the true account of the destruction of Nazi Germany.
The fight was on in the west to remember the Soviet Union for the non-aggression pact and to forget the Red Army’s colossal role in smashing the Wehrmacht."
"In Hollywood films about World War II, the Red Army is invisible. It is as if Britain and the United States were claiming laurels they did not earn… like soldiers wearing medals for valour which belonged to others."
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