A list of things that can all be true at the same time:

- Labour have done nothing about anti-Blackness in the party as per the report
- it's not anti-Semitic to criticise Israel's actions, esp. as a colonialist project
- Maxine used a bad example and it pinged my radar

(More on that last one: I *did* find it too close to an a-S trope for comfort. I did go 'hmm'. Ultimately the amount of parsing out that example requires to get to the most salient point about global systemic racism is just too big of an endeavour for a soundbite in an interview)
- Often accusations of anti-Semitism on the left originate from right-wing non-Jews
- the Board of Deputies, who are leading the charge on getting RLB sacked, are v right-wing
- RLB is very left wing & a Corbyn supporter
- Rachel Reeves, who loves actual Nazi Nancy Astor, is still in post and is not very left-wing
- The world in which KS doesn't sack RLB is also the world in which there's another fucking media cycle on how Labour is anti-Semitic, and that becomes the only talking point again
I'm not telling anyone who to side with, just that bad faith has made this conversation almost impossible. I'm fucking sick of being left wing and Jewish and seeing the timeline fill up with Hot Takes.
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