Been a while since I schizoposted a long nonsense thread of my rambling musings about a subject.

Anyway this is what I think of masks and how they factor into the cultural civil war.
If you've been to Asia, or places with lots of asians, or even just flown in an airport, you have seen that asians wear masks a lot in public. It's a cultural thing because they are cautious of being in dense places and picking up disease.
Fitting that when the virus came to the West some adopted this custom. People bought up N95 as fast as they inexplicably bought nothing but toilet paper for some reason. Because the media told them they should.
When N95 ran out people started wearing anything that was a face covering, dust masks, procedure masks, even cloth masks and bandanas. The effectiveness of these is essentially zero. But it was more of a gesture than anything.
They also arbitrarily told us to stay 6ft away. People complied without asking questions. Businesses changed the entire layouts of their stores to comply. Some businesses even started requiring face coverings to enter.
When people started wearing masks in public I saw it as mostly liberals and braindead normies signaling their submissiveness to the media and government. I still do. But now the mask wearers are radicalized.
If you have a politically diverse group of friends and family like I do you have noticed the clear political split between the mask/no mask crowds. Curiously it's the same split between people who do/don't blindly trust everything the media feeds them at face value.
Lately the mask wearers have become more aggressive. Posting things that claim some moral upper hand for wearing a mask, while those who don't are immoral and harming others. They believe they are your moral superior and you are beneath them if you don't submit.
You may have seen them post things like "I don't wear the mask for ME, I wear it to protect others around me" and "Wearing masks is inconvenient but I'm doing my part to stop this virus, everyone should be as great and virtuous as I am". This is not a new sentiment.
Moral superiority is the identity of the media worshipper. Everything they do is always right because they are morally supreme and you are their moral subordinate. They can justify any action because it is their right to do it to advance their perception of moral virtue.
The virus/masks was just the latest vehicle for the media/government's belligerent worshippers to crusade on their supremacy complex. They are virtuous, and all who are not like them are amoral and must be shamed/mocked/destroyed.
When some states started opening up, they coincidentally(?) were all red states. This made the media and its worshippers furious, warning of spikes in new cases, etc. Naturally the "dumb redneck Trump voters are going to prolong this virus"
Technically they are right, new cases are up. But deaths haven't increased proportionally. Doesn't this damage the original idea that this virus is so deadly and we all need to stay inside? Not if the media has anything to do with it.
Now (mostly blue) governors and mayors are issuing official government orders that require masks, some at all times. Penalties range from citations and fines to arrests in some cases. You will submit or be sanctioned. It is no longer optional, it is government mandated.
The mask wearers of course applaud this because their entire belief system is predicated on government overreach. Everything they believe in is counter to natural order, so they require government control to enforce it.
Not wearing a mask used to be a personal choice, but now it is seen as an act of defiance. The mask wearers don't appreciate you going against the orders of their almighty media, and will see to it that you are shamed and excommunicated.
They equate refusal to wear a mask in public to a form of assault. They genuinely believe the only thing standing between you and killing dozens of people every time you enter a building is a piece of fabric. And they are emboldened by biased media reports that support this.
Before long it will be seen as perfectly acceptable for a mask wearer to beat non mask wearers as a form of "vigilante justice", "self defense", "protecting others" etc. This already happens with other crimes where the media has already prescribed who is right and wrong.
Anyway the point of this all is that this has almost nothing to do with a virus. This is about the media flexing its stranglehold on the public's thoughts, the government using fear to slash your rights, and corporations irreversibly seizing back market share from small business.
When (if) the world returns to normal, there will be some changes that remain permanent. We will not be politely handed back the rights that the government took away. There are people who will go the rest of their lives wearing masks in public and staying 6ft away from everyone.
They won't let their kids play baseball, use public playground equipment, go to the store, do anything normal. Despite the fact that for hundreds of years we've been doing things the same way and no one ever caught a virus.
It's another chapter in a cultural divide between people who are skeptical of what they are being told by the media/government, and the media's civilian enforcement army who is trained to stomp out all opposition with unquestioning loyalty.
It's also proof that we will never be able to live peacefully alongside these people. How can you share a society with those who genuinely feel that you and everything you believe in is amoral and must be destroyed? There will be a tipping point, and masks will be a part of it.
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