Therapy is the reified, market version of what a real human relation should provide. Instead of talking through your problems with friends who love you and want to help you, you should pay a stranger $200/hour to tell you what's wrong, how to acclimate, and which drugs can help
In a different world, philosophy was therapy--getting drunk with pals and asking, "What does it all mean. What is the meaning of my life?" Therapy is inherently bourgeois bc its goal is to fix and rehabilitate the broken subject back into the workplace, where it can function
the problem is, if we were encouraged to seek out friendships & relationships that were beneficial to the psyche, we'd find them too pleasurable, too liberating, and we'd want to spend our lives enjoying each other. Once that happens, solidarity is possible, which capital detests
Compare to Foucault's understanding of sex as liberating & enriching & how the best way to wring out the maximum productive capacity of the individual is to convince them that sex is a sordid activity done only for procreation. Bc then too much time would be spent away from work
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