There were countless opportunities for Trump to visit the Valley & take action to stop the tremendous damage that took place there.

Instead, he did nothing but insult the workers, ignore pleas for help, & break his promises to a community he assured he would fight for

What follows is the damning timeline of the GM Lordstown plant and Donald Trump--one that Pence hopes no one will bring up today.

And when you read it, you'll see why workers and families there are so skeptical of today's photo-op.

August 11, 2015

“Asked if President Obama showed leadership in the 2008/2009 bailout of the major auto companies, Trump meandered through an answer that left him without a position.”

Trump: “I think you would have wound up in the same place.”

July 6, 2018

A UAW Lordstown leader writes to Trump, “The fact (is) that many of our workers here in Ohio voted for you, and for you to remain silent on this issue is disturbing.”

Trump doesn't respond to the letter. He does nothing to help.

March 6, 2019

The Lordstown GM plant shuts its doors, displacing thousands of workers.

Trump says nothing about Lordstown. Instead, he tweets about fake news and his manufactured “national emergency” at the border.

March 17, 2019

Trump returns to Twitter to talk about Lordstown, but now he takes GM's side(!), bashing the UAW leader who had been fighting for years to protect Ohio jobs in Lordstown and passes blame onto union workers for GM's decision.

Today, June 25, 2020

After trailing in the polls in Ohio for several months, Pence comes to Lordstown as if they’ve done a damn thing to help.

Of all the consequences of this shutdown, the most painful are all the jobs lost & people who left

Trump told folks not to sell their homes--but so many were forced to

Even the UAW leader who fought so hard for those jobs has moved.

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