Some learnings from Books and Money Twitter so far:

1. You have to START!

You can have all the best resources, mentors, qualities,

but if you don't start, you won't achieve anything!

Take a step, start now.
2. VALUE is king!

No matter where you come from,

what colour you're,

what age you're,

what degree you have,

if you provide value, you will cherish!

Focus on producing VALUABLE content.
3. You shouldn't do it ALONE!

I agree you are enthusiastic, intelligent, charming and can carry out all work by yourself,

but at some point you will need someone to have your back.

You will need someone's support to keep going.

Don't try to do it ALONE!
4. You got to SHOW UP everyday!

I don't care how you feel,

how much your followers grew,

how many retweets you got,

how bad your day was.

You got to SHOW UP. So they don't forget you.

Remember, whenever you take a day off, there's someone who didn't
5. CARE for your followers!

You should try to get new ones, but try to nourish and care for your followers.

Hit them a welcome message,

Ask them how their day's going,

Ask them if you can help,

Visit their profile, like or comment on their posts.

Build a good relationship!

Don't try to be a person you aren't.

People love those who are true to themselves and their audience.

You got nothing to prove to anybody.


That is more cool and attractive!
7. It's OK to have different opinions!

Everyone has his own thoughts and may form different opinions by the way he understands the world.

You don't have to judge anyone for being that way.

Welcome new opinions!
8. Don't be afraid to be EMBARRASSED!

You are allowed to make mistakes.

Don't be afraid to commit them.

You've got nothing to lose!

Apologise wherever necessary.

Your apology must be as loud as your mistake.

The one to apologise has a big golden heart.

This is a family, a tribe, a community.

Treat everyone as special.

Support them,

Like their tweets,

retweet and comment on their tweets.


Just bcoz you're employed, doesn't mean you can't have something else to do in spare time.

Creating multiple income streams will accelerate your savings and investment plan.

Often, such side things lead to entrepreneurial career
11. Don't be afraid to ask for HELP!

We all are ready to help everyone,

you just have to ask.

If you don't ask, the answer will always be NO!


Thank you for Reading.

Do share your learnings below👇🏻
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