This post is one within a series that @SHEEOed staff have published on the the COVID crisis, the critical role of the state in hi ed, & the necessity of state funding. In my memory, SHEEO has never beat a single drum this loud before. I hope folks will listen. Here they are: 2/n
We normally publish SHEF without commentary. However, for the second time in the history of SHEF SHEEO president @HigherEd_Rob provided a SHEF editorial. In it he raised the alarm on the decades long trend in state support & the COVID cliff facing hied 3/n
. @HigherEd_Rob then articulated an intellectual foundation for why states, and specially SHEEO agencies and system offices, are so critical. The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. New federal $ to public hied through states is needed.
In these series of publications we have attempted to raise the alarm and provide an intellectual foundation for our thinking about the role of states and state funding in hied. It is hard to conceive of all that could be lost in the current crisis. Please give them a read. END
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