Lobster Lies, or, some thoughts on this tweet in no particular order: [thread] https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1275951862269829121
Falsehood #2: lobster landings and values were the highest ever under President Obama (and lasted until Trump's trade wars killed exports). https://www.maine.gov/dmr/commercial-fishing/landings/documents/lobster.graph.pdf
If you care about Maine, fishermen, lobstermen, or the ocean - take #OceanClimateAction now. Here's how, in handy graphical form.
Consider buying seafood from your local fishermen. Here's how to find them: https://localcatch.org/ 
To conclude: you'll learn more by watching @sarahcpr's How to Lobster than by reading Trump's extraordinarily falsehood-filled tweet. So do that instead. /fin
WAIT how did I not make #LobsterLies a hashtag what is wrong with me
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