So, as it's #GlobalBeatlesDay, here is a thread about the impactful things that The Beatles did in just ten years of their career and how they made history.

They influenced more than just music, they defined a decade and changed the world forever, here is the evidence: 🌻
Impact on Liverpool,

No band has ever had such an impact on or received as much love from their hometown as The Beatles with Liverpool. Liverpool has always been viewed as a negative, poor place but The Beatles revitalised the tourism trade and never forgot where they came from.
Liverpool, as a city, was always ignored by the British Government and thrown to the side by those in power. Liverpudlians suffered years of bias and unfair treatment from the world. But The Beatles' pride in their hometown put Liverpool on the map. And their heritage lives on.

The Beatles originally revolutionised their sound from a cellar in Liverpool, which was also home to other incredible Liverpool based artists. From The Beatles' success, other Liverpool artists found fame: Gerry & the Pacemakers, Cilla Black, The Merseybeats.

Before The Beatles, the world had not seen pyschotic hysteria from fans about music or artists. The Beatles and their fans paved the way for the modern fan, with the craze of fans being so extreme that the term 'Beatlemaniac' was pinned upon fans of the band.
60's culture,

The Beatles played a huge role in youth culture. The world saw young people express themselves through art and fashion, and, for the first time, women were allowed to express themselves and their desires, which all came about through 'Beatlemania'.
The "mop-top" hairstyle,

Like Buddy Holly and glasses, The Beatles revolutionised long hair. Their "mop-top" hairstyle, as it was called (or 'Arthur', if you're George), became a staple of their appeal. It was controversial in the US but it remains one of the most iconic cuts.

The bond between Lennon-McCartney was iconic in itself: these two boys met and connected in a way that no two people had ever done before. They bounced off one another's weaknesses and mirrored each other's strengths. Their brotherhood gave us so much.
Support for Black Rights,

The boys had never encountered segregation before touring in the USA. In 1963, The Beatles refused to play to segregated audiences because they knew it was wrong. The Beatles were in awe of black musicians and never missed an opportunity to praise them.

The Beatles were the first band to release a movie in which they all starred. Following on from that, they released more movies and enticed fans in new and exciting ways through their (rather terrible) acting. In addition, The Beatles wrote their own soundtracks for each.
Receiving Queen's honours,

The Beatles received MBE's in 1964 as a result of their international success and the revenue that they were pulling into the United Kingdom. It was rare, at the time, for the Monarch to give such a prestigious award to musicians.
Sending the MBE's back,

Although receiving an MBE was seen as an honour and as iconic, nothing is more staple than John Lennon returning his MBE in protest of the Vietnam War. It happened after The Beatles broke up but I think that it's also iconic and needs highlighting.
Forming 'Apple Corps',

The Beatles created their own company to release their music under after a few issues with their earlier companies. They were the first artists to release under a company that they owned and created. The company sued rival company, 'Apple', multiple times.
Shea Stadium,

In 1966, The Beatles played to a sold-out capacity of 55,000 fans, which - at the time - was unprecedented and unheard of. They were the first band to ever perform at a sports stadium. They caused so much mania that the boys couldn't even hear themselves play.
Giving up touring,

Following years of touring, the band decided conclusively that they were tired of touring and should move onto different things. They announced on the 21st of August 1966 that they would no longer be performing live and turned their focus onto new prospects.
Calling out the Press,

In 1967, Paul McCartney was slated for honestly stating that he took LSD. The Press attempted to vilify him but Paul calmly stated that the media also had a responsibility not to spread the information if they didn't want to be negative influences. Iconic.
Sgt. Peppers,

This album deserves it's own tweet simply because it is evidence that The Beatles were pioneers in experimental music. As a band they created new sounds and paved the way for a new psychedelic age of music in the 1960's. And they did it all together.
The 'White Album' cover,

Simply put, The Beatles are the only band that could get away with publishing a blank white box as an album cover and still have it make history. Enough said. Simply iconic.
Standing up for peace,

Throughout their entire career, The Beatles stood for "peace and love", and they never stopped doing so. In 'Revolution', John Lennon actively condemns violence and calls for pacifism.
The Rooftop Concert,

After years of not performing live, The Beatles gave one final performance and made history by iconically performing on the roof of the Apple Headquarters. It made front page news everywhere and satisfied fans all over the world to see them perform together.
And the line: "I hope we passed the audition" was so simple but so beautifully poetic from John Lennon after the Rooftop Concert. It encapsulates just how quick witted he was and also asks as a metaphor for just how much each member grew after the eventual break-up.
Studio issues,

Despite the tensions in the air during their later recording years, The Beatles continued to work for their fans and release new music that is still iconic today. Each of The Beatles had issues from 1967 onwards but they continued because of their love of music.
The break-up,

In itself, the break-up of The Beatles was one of the most heartbreaking moments in history for so many people. It marked the end of the 60's and broke hearts all around the world. However, The Beatles' story and legacy didn't end there.
Solo careers,

Following the break-up of The Beatles, each member went on to have successful solo careers. They may have hit bumps and lost contact but, overall, they loved one another and would always, be our Beatles. Their music will forever live on. Look at their smiles.
The Beatles' story is so ironically simple but so iconically incredible: four boys met in their hometown, played some music and then changed the course of history forever through their mutual love of music.

It's so simple but so beautiful. So, here's to The Beatles.
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