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I was in Libby borrowing another Nate the Great audiobook (yay bedtime stories! ) & they had a collection of sweet romances.

And im sure they were going for low-heat, no sex on the page but we need new terminology
I include sweetness in all my books, yes especially the one with the moody dragon but especially the one with the serial killer

And my point is that we need better words. There are sweet filthy books out there.

And i don't like clean either cuz that's judgy
But my brain is like hmmm sweet in my world shows up as sweet cream on dairy products & I'm like so we have pasteurized & unpasteurized book levels?!

The science pocket of my brain does not agree. So then my brain was like unleaded, super leaded & diesel but that feels judgy too
But then my brain was like !!!! What about

Iced coffee - longing glances

Decaf - no sex on page, lil tension

HalfCaf - there's tension & heat but little/no sex on page

Hot Coffee- sex on pg

Espresso - explicit & lots of sex on pg

Double shot - go with God
Am i ordering coffee or talking abt book sexy times.


But for serious we as wordsmiths should have a better way of indicating heat levels.

Also we need to acknowledge that one person's ultra sexy is another person's squick
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