I like how they really look out for the little guys here, and don't just look at the chart. https://twitter.com/Spectator_LIFE/status/1276128004570320898
No offence to any of the pods listed, they are great, but I do sometimes wish these kind of pieces would dig deeper. So many good pods out there NOT hosted by TV people.
And during shit times such as this, they need help more than ever.
I'm not just talking about mine, I couldn't care less if I was mentioned, but I listen to lots of pods that never get mentioned in these lists, because the hosts haven't been on TV.
A few names in that list have easily been able to sail through lockdown, but there's people out there who have struggled, but still put out great content. Maybe do some fucking research.
Sorry to rant, but podcasting is a #ShitBusiness and it sucks when you see established names getting pats on the back for things their agency has probably sorted, and set up for them - when you have people working a job, and putting out great content from their spare rooms.
These people will be forced to stop sooner rather than later, so any help or support would be really wonderful for them right now.
"Here's a list of our favourite Indie bands that we've enjoyed during lockdown: U2, Coldplay, The Beatles"
Off the top of my head:




Heavy Pencil

Brian and Roger





Crowley Time with

Anything @ItsSophieDavies puts out.

So why not spend today, or the rest of lockdown, supporting your local podcaster? Because everything is shit.

*walks off into the sunset
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