Saw this "Biden in a Landslide" map on CNN this morning, and I decided to put together a THREAD showing how good pundits, experts, scientists, and the media in general actually are at election predictions...
Stanford University: Clinton has a 99% probability of winning the election
Sabato’s Crystal Ball: Clinton will win 322 to 216
Princeton Election Consortium:
Joy Reid:
Moody's Analytics:
538 going nuts with the blue crayon: "Here's what a Clinton landslide would look like"
Meanwhile, I was writing the whole time that they were using the polls wrong. I predicted the in Lifezette and on the local news in Macon, GA that Trump would flip rust belt states because of his trade policy...
These are all the same "experts" now making all the same predictions because their predictions aren't about being right; their predictions are about gaslighting you out of voting.

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