Ok painful but real; while I still abjure the IDW and all their works and all their empty promises, I'm probably revising upwards my estimation of how bad something that might fairly be called "cancel culture" is. It's still wildly over discussed given the full gamut of issues...
...but I now admit, conditional on indulging the mass error that something matters other than material power over the means of production, the state's monopoly on violence, and concrete differences in welfare these thing make, the degree to which people are censorious sucks...
... what causes the change of heart is more and more encountering cases which amount to "formal punishment from employers for disliked speech" *and* seeing the present moment's reaction to things being an explicit embrace of corporate HR training, more power to bosses...
... I did a jokey thread on this here, but the other threads I link therein (see here: https://twitter.com/lastpositivist/status/1271211203671580673?s=20 and here: https://twitter.com/lastpositivist/status/1260173074709782528?s=20) about my quasi-black nationalist response to much of this are more heartfelt and serious... https://twitter.com/lastpositivist/status/1275001029856198656?s=20
... I fear the outcome of all will be transferring more power to bosses and literally enriching particular white people (and a tiny black intelligentsia class - which of course I am among); and a widely indulged censorious instinct will be among the factors bringing this to be...
... ( so what's painful is the extreme social shame of admitting one was wrong and I am hoping by meta-discussing this pain I will compensate with the kudos for being ever so open minded and earnest ).
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