
We all know few things about the Emergency:

• How it was used by one person to retain Power!

• IG used the Emergency to amend the Preamble of the Constitution and added the words "Secular" & "Socialist"

• How it lead to a humiliating defeat of IG later on!
But, how many of us know some of the dark secrets of IG & Cong:

• Did you know that IG was working at the behest of KGB?

• Did you know that Soviet Union had claimed that the entire country was for sale?

• Did you know that KGB wanted to turn India into a socialist country?
• Did you know that there were several KGB moles within the Indian Govt as deep as in the PMO?

• Did you know that loads of money were sent even to the PMO?

• Did you know that IG was trying to achieve the very same dream for KGB by making India a socialist country?
• Did you know that many of Congress's and CPI's members were reporting to KGB?

• Did you know that KGB owned a large part of Indian media which was being used to spread their propoganda?

• Did you know that many of the false stories planted against US came from KGB?
They say today that history will be kinder to Dr Manmohan Singh.

Well sure, why not? If history was kind enough to wash off the sins of Indira Gandhi, this is near to nothing!!!

For more info, please read the Mitrokhin Archives! A mole from KGB who had revealed all this info!
Some of the Excerpts from Mitrokhin Archives
Some more
A few more!!
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