न सत्यं दानमानौ वा न यज्ञाश्चाप्तदक्षिणाः|
तथा बलकराः सीते ! यथा सेवा पितुर्हिता ।।

रामायण में श्रीराम देवी सीता से कहते हैं – हे सीता! पिता की सेवा करना जिस प्रकार कल्याणकारी माना गया है; वैसा प्रबल साधन न सत्य है, न दान-सम्मान है और न प्रचुर दक्षिणावाले यज्ञ ही है ।
Shri Ram tells Devi Sita in the Ramayana – O Sita, it is believed that serving one’s father is more beneficial than truth, more beneficial than any charity and more beneficial than performing a sacrifice in which great donations are made..
The Indian tradition has always extolled the virtues of the mother, the father and the guru. The virtuous Shri Rama in the Ramayana renounced his kingdom to keep his father’s word.
In contemporary times, we feel that it is important for each of us to not only remember what our fathers did for us but also serve them to the best of our ability...
Jai Shri Ram 🙏🏻
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