@GenFlynn calls the Rush Limbaugh show, which surprised Rush.
I understand he called Mark Levine and Sean Hannity also. He wanted to say thank you to their audiences for supporting him. Obviously there’s a little more to the discussion but a couple..
...things were clear to me.
1) The fight is not over. I’m pretty sure I know what he means besides the fact that the judge, Sullivan, put a stay on the appeal decision. There’s more to that decision than it appears. Can I say, “Information Warfare”?

2) Is the judge being...
...used, because he has to, to stall the decision in order for other events to be played out first? In other words, while the judge can exonerate @GenFlynn right now if he wanted to, do other events/revelations/happenings need to take place first to show America the reality...
...of how corrupt the democrats and DS are? I think there’s more to what we are watching and reading in the media. All could end today if the President decides it’s time, but that would bring an upheaval worse than we’re seeing now, which by the way is showing the dems playbook.
We will just have to watch and see, but I have a hunch that there’s more to this than we are hearing and seeing. A lot more.
Justice will be served in due time. We are in a battle for our nation, and this takes time to have everything in place to win, and win the correct way.
Remember @POTUS knows what he’s doing and knows what it takes to bring America back. Be patient, WE WILL WIN!
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