The salafi and bakris accuse shia of mutah being a haram act. Although they very well know that mutah was banned only by umar. It was very much in existence during holy prophet sawa. There was never any ban on mutah as misinterpreted by salafis.
Now let us see in this thread the practise of salafi with regards marriage. Warning* adult content.

Women are treated like commodities and disposable containers in Salafi society. Different kinds of legal opportunities have been provided for Salafi men to exploit women
in the name of Islam throughout the world. Saudi/Salafi scholars have issued many Fatawas to allow several kinds of deceptive and fake marriages to use women as sex slaves for as long as they wish. some details in this regard.
(a) Misyaar - It is a temporary relationship between men and women for sexual pleasure. In this relationship the woman relinquishes all her rights that are available to her in an Islamic marriage. It is claimed that 60 Salafi scholars, including Saudi Grand Mufti Shaikh Abdulaziz
al-Shaikh endorsed Misyar relationship between men and women in their fatawas.

(b) Urfa - In this relationship, arrangements are made as a customary marriage but there are no official contracts signed and this relationship also does not give women any rights whatsoever.
She is kept as along as the man wishes to use her for sex.

(c) Mesyaf ( Summer holiday marriage) - It is a tourism marriage practiced by Saudis and other Salafis in the world who go on summer vacation to countries, like Yamen, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries.
In these countries they take advantage of poor Muslim families by fake marriages with young, rather very young girls between the ages of 9 to 16 years in collusion with local middlemen and agents who are paid for these notorious services.
(d) Friend Marriage - This is a special marriage where the bride does not go out of her house. The male goes to her house in the night or meets with her in a hotel and have sex with her, after which she goes back to her home. In this relationship the woman does not have any legal
maintenance from the man. In most of the cases the woman demands a certain amount and gets it in advance.

(e) Misfar - (Foreign study and Business Trip marriage) Misfar refers to a deceptive marriage contracted by a Salafi for sexual gratification so that a woman may
cohabitate with him for the period of time he is visiting a foreign country. These women are formally divorced after a short period that ranges from a week to a month. It is natural that most of these women who fall victim to this kind of fake marriage come from deprived
And for most of them they have very little or no say in the matter.

Intercourse marriage (rape) - we all know how the daesh were allowed to rape. Shyk mohammad al arifi was repeated by press tv to have issued a fatwa allowing all jihadi daesh devils to rape syrian women.
Now after going through this. Can we use our intellect and decide on our own who is right and who is wrong??? Just by having fabricated traditions about ban on mutah by holy prophet sawa cannot hide this salafi mentality. Muta ensured that children born were legitimate
And not illegitimate. Coz only illegitimate have hatred for the holy imams a.s. but umar knew that abs hence banned muta. @AzizYuzaarsif @Miketweets98 @TheGayKhalifa @NutcaseRafidi @ShaykhAzhar @SayedModarresi @the_anonymous14 @Rozx313R @MuftiFendi @h_sufia @SefakAli2
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