We are thrilled to announce our 2019/20 @RSADesignAwards winners! We challenged students and recent graduates to use their skills and design thinking to tackle today’s most pressing social and environmental issues. Here are this year’s winners: [thread] https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners
Jessica Williams from @NorthumbriaUni won the @Philips award for 'NIP IT IN THE BOOB': an AI-driven, interactive service which allows women to record monthly assessments in order to enable early detection of breast cancer at home   https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/nip-boob
Lalith Sanathi from @lborouniversity won the @Philips award for 'Insight': a product and service proposal which uses AI to enable detection of Alzheimer’s. It also assists patients by provides guidance & support post-diagnosis https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/insight-ai
Almas Meghani from @UniNorthants won the @landg_uk award for ‘Transform’, which proposes a kitchen and ecology centre that brings people of all ages together to build new skills, participate in allotment gardening and learn about healthy eating https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/transform
Megana Mikuciauskaite, with  Atlana Puntigam, Alec Strobel & Bryan Branco from @UAL, won the @landg_uk award for CoFood Initiative which operates within the criminal justice system using a participatory, systems-led approach to develop inmates’ skills https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/cofood-initiative
Sarah Boot from @PlymUni won the @landg_uk award for ‘Unmissable Food Organisation’: a social enterprise consisting of a fleet of food trailers which team up with local businesses to tackle holiday hunger by providing fun cooking experiences for children https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/unmissable-food-organisation
Rachel Davies from @FalmouthUni won the @DreamFundPPL award for 'Launder': a repositioning of the laundrette to radically change views on clothes ownership and inspire a culture of care and preservation, whilst engaging people in a sense of community https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/launder
Kate Mattick from @ucl won the @InnovAgeUK award for ‘Chat-e-Cycle’: a design proposal for a tandem bicycle linked to a community scheme allowing residents to unite on a side-by-side experience for transport, exercise and social connection in rural areas. https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/chat-e-cycle
Simon Feather from @leedsbeckett won the @JMFurnitureLtd award for ‘Re-Foresting’: a systemic approach to mobilising local woodland resource. This proposal encompasses woodland growth, ecology & healthy places, whilst addressing the climate crisis https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/reforesting
Sandra Reith from @UniversityLeeds won the  @JMFurnitureLtd award for her project ‘TRĒOW’: a new material for high-quality processing made from small-diameter logs. It supports the use of domestically grown wood to strengthen the local timber industry. https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/treow
Magdalena Boudova from @DerbyUni won the @networkrail award for her project ‘DOT-+SUM’: a way-finding system that uses responsive visuals which evolve with the station environment to provide passengers with real-time information about the transport service https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/dot-sum
Ella Kenyon, Chay Reuby & Saffron Lee from @KingstonUni won the @networkrail award for ‘Hello Hampton!’, which involves the residents of Hampton Court in a process to co-design themed stained-glass windows for Hampton Court Station https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/hello-hampton
Alexandra McDermott, Dervilla McNamara & Amalia White from @MaynoothUni won the Marketing Trust award for ‘MakeCents’: a service design proposal which provides job-sharing opportunities & support to make it easier for mothers to stay in the workplace https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/makecents
Alina Toh, Gracia Goh & Johyun Moon from @LASALLESG won the @CIMinfo award for ‘COHO’: a 2-year transitional housing service and community that provides low-income single-parent households with affordable housing alongside educational resources and support https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/coho
Aditya Kujal Walia from @NorthumbriaUni won the @NCRCorporation for ‘INCUBE’: a low-cost incubator that can save the lives of newborns in internally displaced persons camps by helping them maintain an ideal body temperature https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/incube
Éilis O’Reilly and Doireann Peelo from @MaynoothUni won the @theRSAorg award for their project ‘Tabrah’: a menstrual cup and cleaning kit which provides women with a safe, sustainable and hygienic way to manage their periods https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners/tabrah
Hannah Jesse from @MyBCU won the @DreamFundPPL award for ‘A Change of Clothes’. Inspired by fashion illustration, this animation explores the reformation of the fashion industry through the adoption of circular economy principles #makefashioncircular https://vimeo.com/426270921 
Emerald Gibson and Lauren Kilroy from @myIADT won @theRSAorg award for ‘Redress Fashion’: a stop-motion animation using recycled fabric to bring viewers through an informative story about the negative impact fashion has on our planet. https://vimeo.com/427678834 
Ellie Stone from @LimerickIT won the @natracare and @theRSAorg award for her project ‘Elephant in the Room’: an animation which highlights how we may be ignoring the biggest issue of our time https://vimeo.com/426273198 
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all who entered. See the full list of winners and commended entries on the RSA website and follow @RSADesignAwards for more updates, including from the awards ceremony next month! https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards/winners
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