why “supporting local” is the best phrase in football.

[A THREAD] https://twitter.com/bayernbrummie/status/1275534347651526658
1. there is nothing better than seeing your team live wherever in the country theyll he playing you can’t beat it, the whole journey on away days to where you’re going, seeing fellow fans in services, and going to the pub with total strangers who are all there for the same thing
2. you meet the best people and friends for life at the football. whether it be when you’re having a pre match pint, on the coach to away days or someone near where you sit you meet the class people
3. getting up at 2,3,4 o’clock in the morning to travel half way across the country might not sound appealing but those who do it know it’s amazing. can travel all the way to brighton, lose 3-0 but still have a good time
4. spending all your money away tickets, pints, season tickets and pre match food instead of a tv license or sky sports pass. most fans would rather watch their team everywhere they go and spend a lot of their money on that for the whole experience of matchday home and away
5. everyone has a local club no matter what, whether it’s non league or not everyone has one and supporting a team from the play you’re from go to places they aren’t expected to, get promoted to the big leagues is an unbeatable experience
6. seeing your team get promoted live, the pitch invasion at the end of the match and how a whole town/ city comes together to support and congratulate their team. can’t invade the pitch when you’re watching it on the tele
7. your home stadium turns into your second home, have a set routine when you’re there with your mates, walk from the pub to the ground up to the seat and watching them live. for some people going to the ground gets them away from their problems in life
8. as i said, going to the football gets people away from the issues they may be having at home as they see it as an escape from reality and a day to forget about whatever is troubling them. that’s why matchday for some is more important than the football played
9. this might not seem fun but seeing your team be relegated is something no fan wants to go through but the start of the new season and the ambitious to get back to where they were the season before is a whole new experience. all fans are optimistic and that goes to the players
10. to conclude, supporting your local is more than just supporting a football team. for some it’s an escape, others it’s about being with your mates but when it is down to the football everyone is there to see their team, you’re surrounded by locals who share the same passion...
... and when you see your team get promoted for example and you get on the pitch at the end the feeling is surreal and it’s a shame these “plastic/glory hunting” fans will never experience a true football matchday

end of thread.
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