Every time I look at the Life of Joseph, I cannot but stand in awe of it. God gave you dreams of how great you'd become. Mehn!

If he were to be in this current age, man could have thought he was going to become the president or something of sort

I can imagine how he'd have strategized. Which member of his family will occupy the ministerial seats and all. His father loved him so much and gave him that Versace coat of many colours but envy continually grew so much in the heart of his brothers that they threw him in a pit
I'm sure at that point, he was thinking "God, this isn't what you promised me" & then his brothers pulling him out may have made him think they had probably changed their mind but instead, they sold him into slavery. He must have thought "Wow, just wow. This life no balance sha"
Again as a slave, he was favoured until he had to face the cougar Potiphar married. Despite the fact that he didn't want to disobey God, he was still jailed. Truth is, sometimes, God will permit some things to show people his majesty and sense of humour.
In jail, he met the baker and the butler. Ever wondered the mystery of the occupation of these 2 guys? Baker (Someone who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items.)
Butler (A manservant having charge of wines and liquors.)
Maybe I'm the one sounding too deep but I see a physical representation of the communion (bread and wine). Still in jail, he was favoured. When he was referred by the butler to Pharaoh. He was released and then became the 2nd in command to Pharoah.
Now, what blows my mind is this; God made his plan known to a man years before. When Joseph was having these dreams, I'm sure he'd have thought they were basically for his personal benefit but God had all these planned out becuase he wanted to save a people in time of famine
Joseph was sent ahead to Egypt for the sake of his people. Who would have thought that his brothers weren't punishing him as they thought they were. The Lord turned good what the enemy thought would destroy him and the plans God had fashioned out.
Joseph is a great example when you think about the stages of life; Pit, Prison and Palace. Man went from low to high. The enemy will try to put you in between mountains and make you feel hopeless but never forget God's words never return to him void; it will surely come to pass.
Joseph is a big example of "They tried to bury us but they didn't know we were seeds"

Don't mind me, I just had to say that😂😂
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