I'm seeing a rise in "Why can't a phone/TV etc be made 100% in India?"

Interesting question - But first you need to understand what it takes to build a state-of-the-art electronic product in 2020

So why not? Simple answer - Silicon foundries (Fabs)

Explanation in thread 👇
When it comes to Fabs, Taiwan leads with TSMC, UMC etc. + A handful others in the world that have new tech process

India, for instance, has only one Fab (Wiki). An ISRO fab with 200nm process technology!

Why? A Fab is incredibly complex & resource-intensive. How Expensive?
but 28nm is too old for today's smartphones, we would need newer process technology. Right?

Well, the 3nm one that is work in progress is likely to cost them $23 Billion! (17,39,50,15,00,000 Rupees). Not to mention the skills/materials/ancillaries etc https://wccftech.com/tsmc-3nm-investment-23-billion-project-end/
So next time you have this question "Why can't a phone/TV etc be made 100% in India?"

At the moment, it's impossible.

Can we have a large part in the future? With the right investment, it will take years if not decades to build up a Hi-tech sector.
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